The Inaugural Africa Climate Summit

This month saw an important milestone – the first time that African Heads of State, through the auspices of the Africa Union convened themselves on the continent’s climate agenda. This has been a call for years, and so we hope it will be the first of many. The focus of this inaugural Africa Climate Summit […]

Leading the First Youth Advocacy Clinic on African Energy Transitions

Over the past five years one of my key focus areas has been on youth engagement. I’ve produced some of the only research available on jobs opportunities and skills needs for African youth in energy and followed that up with graduate curriculum design and graduate teaching with the top Universities in East Africa. Most recently, […]

Strengthening Africa’s food systems means supporting small farmers

Warnings are increasing about Africa’s deepening food insecurity challenge, as the COVID pandemic has limited the supply of imported inputs (e.g. seed, fertilizer and pesticides) and extension services, while restricting farm labor movement and distribution channels and increasing demand volatility. All this has led institutions like the World Food Program to project that the number […]