Find a selection of Rebekah’s peer-reviewed publications, book chapters and white papers here. All peer-reviewed publications can also be found on Rebekah’s Google Scholar page.
Sterl, S., Shirley, R., Githinji, M., Dortch, R., Guan, M., and Turner, A. (2024). Leapfrogging the darkness: contextualising the meaning of energy transitions for African countries. Progress in Energy, Volume 6 (023003), pgs 1 – 9
Otlhogile, M. and Shirley, R. (2023). The evolving just transition: definitions, context, and practical insights for Africa. Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain, Volume 2, pg 1- 6
Shirley, R. and Medhin, H. (2022). Practical Solutions for Energy Transition Emerging in Sub-Saharan Africa. Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain, Volume 2, No 4
Lee, C., Shirley, R., Otieno, M., and Njoroge, H. (2021). Powering Jobs: the employment footprint of clean cooking solutions in Kenya. Energy, Sustainability and Society, Volume 11 (27), pgs 1 – 22
Shirley, R., Liu, Y., Kakande, J., and Kagarura, M. (2021). Identify high-priority impact areas for agricultural value addition in Uganda through geospatial mapping. J. of Food and Agriculture Research, Vol 5, pgs 1 -10, 100172, ISSN 2666-1543
Kersey, J., Blechinger, P., Shirley, R. (2021). A panel data analysis of policy effectiveness for renewable energy expansion on Caribbean islands, Energy Policy, Volume 155, 2021, 112340, pg 1 – 17, ISSN 0301-4215
Shirley, R. (2021). Energy for food, livelihoods, and resilience: An integrated development agenda for Africa, One Earth, 2021, Volume 4, Issue 2, ISSN 2590-3322
Shirley, R. and Attia, B. (2020). Unlocking Utilities of the Future in Sub-Saharan Africa (June 23, 2020). Duke Global Working Paper Series No. 24
Shirley, R. (2020). Powering Agriculture: Unlocking Africa’s Next Green Revolution. “Briefing Series: EU-Africa Partnership for a Green Transition and Energy Access,” South Africa Institute of International Affairs, Johannesburg, South Africa
Tesfahunegn, H., Nwosu, N., Lee, E. and Shirley, R. (2020). “Unlocking Utilities of the Future in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Optimization Analysis of Grid Integration Opportunities in Uganda,” 2020 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica, Nairobi, Kenya, pp. 1-5
Shirley, R. (2020). Creating livelihoods through clean energy and agriculture. International Journal for Rural Development, Volume 54, Issue 2, pages 39-41
Mahomed, S., Shirley, R., Tice, D. and Phillips, J. (2020). “Business model innovations for utility and mini-grid integration: Insights from the Utilities 2.0 initiative in Uganda” Oxford Policy Management Applied Research Program on Energy and Economic Growth, U.K., Research Insight, November 2020
Shirley, R., Lee, C-J., Njoroge, H., Odera, S., Mwanzia, P., Malo, I., and Dipo-Salami, Y. (2019). Powering Jobs: the Employment Footprint of Decentralized Renewable Energy Technologies in Sub Saharan Africa. Journal of Sustainability Research, Volume 2 (1):e200001
Shirashi, K., Shirley. R and Kammen, D. (2019). High-priority distributed energy investment opportunities for Bangladesh: A geospatial analytics framework. Applied Energy, Volume 235, pages 1457 – 1467
Shirley, R. and Word, J. (2018). Rights, rivers and renewables: Lessons from Borneo on cultural politics for utility planning. Journal of Utility Policy, Volume 55, pages 189-199
Shirley, R. and Kammen, D. (2018). Mundane is the New Radical: The resurgence of energy megaprojects and the implications for emerging economies. IEEE Technology and Society, Volume 37, No. 2, Pages 18-25
Gay, D., Rogers, T. and Shirley, R. (2018). Small Island Developing States: Suitability for electric vehicles and vehicle-to-grid services. Journal of Utility Policy, Volume 55, pages 69–78
Kitzes, J. and Shirley, R. (2016). Estimating biodiversity impacts without field surveys: A case study in northern Borneo. Ambio, Volume 45, Issue 1, Pages 110-119
Shirley, R., Kammen, D. (2015) Integrated long-term energy planning for rapidly developing economies: A case study of megaprojects in Southeast Asia. Energy Strategy Reviews, Volume 8, Pages 15-29
Kammen, D., Shirley, R., Caravallo, J., and Ponce de Leon Barido, D. (2014). Switching to sustainability: The Sustainable Energy Imperative. Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies, Spring 2014, Pages 6-10
Shirley, R., and Kammen, D. (2013). Policy development for innovative renewable energy implementation in Island regions. Energy Policy, Volume 57, Pages 244-252
Shirley, R., Jones, C., and Kammen, D. (2012). A carbon footprint calculator for Islands: Case study of the US Virgin Islands. Ecological Economics, Volume 80, Pages 8-14
Sterl, S., Shirley, R., Dorsch, R., Guan, M., and Turner, A. (2023). A Path Across the Rift: Informing African Energy Transitions by Unearthing Critical Questions and Data Needs. Issue Brief, World Resources Institute, DOI: 10.46830/wriib.22.00136
IRENA, IEA, Ren 21 (2020). Renewable Energy Policies in a Time of Transition: Heating and Cooling. IRENA, IEA, Ren 21 [Contributing author: Chapters 2-7]
Avila, N., Kittner, N., Shirley, R., Dwyer, M., Roberts, D., and Kammen, D., Sager, J. (2020). Beyond the Battery: Rural Electrification, Economic Diversity, and Human Development in Laos [Chapter 2] in “Resource Governance, Agriculture and Sustainable Livelihoods in the Lower Mekong Basin”. Harvard Kennedy School, ISBN 978-967-2165-73-6
Schoolman, A., Raturi, A., Nussey, B., Shirley, R., Knuckles, J., de Graaf, F., Magali, P., Lu, Z., Breyer C., Markides, C. (2019). Decentralizing Energy for a High-Demand, Low-Carbon World, One Earth, Volume 1, Issue 4, pages 388-391
Opperman, J., J. Hartmann, J. Raepple, H. Angarita, P. Beames. E. Chapin, R. Geressu, G. Grill, J. Harou, A. Hurford, D. Kammen, R. Kelman, E. Martin, T. Martins, R. Peters, C. Rogéliz, and R. Shirley. (2017). “The Power of Rivers: A Business Case”. The Nature Conservancy, Washington, D.C
J. Kantenbacher and R. Shirley (2017). Smart Communities: The public and private sectors integration of infrastructures, technologies and buildings [Chapter 5] in “Sustainable Cities and Communities Design Handbook: Green Engineering, Architecture, and Technology”, 2nd Edition edited by Woodrow W. Clark, Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston, 2017, ISBN 9780128139646
Gourdji, S., Craig, M., Shirley, R., Ponce de Leon Barido, D., Campos, E., Giraldo, M., Lopez, M., Pereira de Lucena, A., Luger, M. and Kammen, D. (2014). “Sustainable Development Opportunities at the Climate, Land, Energy and Water Nexus in Nicaragua.” Center for Latin American Studies Working Paper Series, January 2014, Paper No. 33
Contreras, R, Williams, M., de Cuba, K., Rice, M., Warren, A., Shirley, R. and Kammen, D. (2011). “Energy Policy and Sector Analysis in the Caribbean 2010 – 2011.” National Renewable Energy Laboratory Technical Report, U.S.