One of the biggest gaps identified by the energy sector is access to quality information and data-driven models for decision making. While universities and research institutions are conducting important research on energy access solutions, much of this information fails to reach broad audiences and drive decision-making. In particular, a review of current and popular energy information portals finds information specific to small-scale energy solutions is under-represented, even within the energy access space.
To directly address this challenge, my Power for All research team designed, built and manages PEAK: the Platform for Energy Access Knowledge. PEAK is an interactive knowledge platform designed to curate, organize and streamline large bodies of data into digestible, sharable and useable knowledge. We integrated the latest open-access data management applications into a singular platform to enable data storage, indexing, visualization, analysis, prioritizing the shareability of user findings. PEAK was launched in 2018 and now has thousands of users. We are currently engaged in further building out the platform’s AI capabilities.