Leading the First Youth Advocacy Clinic on African Energy Transitions

Over the past five years one of my key focus areas has been on youth engagement. I’ve produced some of the only research available on jobs opportunities and skills needs for African youth in energy and followed that up with graduate curriculum design and graduate teaching with the top Universities in East Africa. Most recently, […]

Kenya’s MSc Sustainable Energy Transitions coming soon

Rapid and just transitions to clean energy systems across the globe are vital to both curbing impact and building resilience to climate change. Africa’s role in the global energy transition is undeniable, not only because of its significance as a primary supplier of the minerals and resources that drive new technology; not only because it […]

Sharing lessons from East Africa to the West Indies

One thing that I am really enjoying about living and working in Kenya is that I get to help draw ties and strengthen relationships between Africa and the Caribbean on energy and sustainability.  This year it was my genuine honor to serve as a judge for the #BlueClimateInitiative Community Awards for Ocean-Related Climate Solutions. Alongside an amazing […]