Exploring Smarter Mobility for Africa in Johannesburg

I spent last week in Johannesburg, South Africa, at the continent’s first major Smarter Mobility Conference, hosted by Generation.e. Especially as Africa’s youth population continues to grow, smart transportation solutions are key to addressing the ever-growing pains of mobility, air pollution, congestion, safety and productivity. I was specifically at the conference to speak about some […]

The Future of Energy is the Future of Jobs in Africa

It seems like just yesterday but two weeks ago my Power for All team members and I hosted the #PoweringJobs campaign launch at Strathmore University. It was an excellent day of discussion with practitioners working towards electricity access for all in Kenya. I presented our latest research findings, which explore the relationship between small scale […]

The e-Jeenpey Journey: EVs making in-roads in the Philippines

Throwback! I recently came across an old blog post I wrote while at ERG. I was in the Philippines, tracking the progress of the iCSC’s eJeepney, a locally retrofitted all electric version of the local Filipino jeepney, itself a retooled army jeep used for public transport. I got to see first hand how the eJeepney’s […]